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Faculty of Health Sciences and Wellbeing

The Faculty of Health Sciences and Wellbeing continues to benefit from a multi-million pound investment scheme of laboratory modernisation and the development of cutting-edge teaching and research facilities, allied to the provision of clinical-based courses. Academic staff, students and external partners, including the NHS, have worked collaboratively during all phases to ensure the learning, teaching and research environment puts students first.

Our courses, including an extensive portfolio of CPD and Apprenticeships, are co-produced with employers and have an underpinning philosophy built upon Interprofessional Learning (IPL) and research where, for example, doctors, nurses, pharmacists and paramedics work in teams for the greater good of patients.

We encourage direct and structured involvement of patients, carers, and the public, in student selection, student training, student examination, curriculum development and governance processes, all of which is widely recognised by our external accrediting bodies and partners as playing a key role in our development of the healthcare professionals of tomorrow. 

Our employer-led provision is underpinned by expert staff as professional body registrants and external practitioners, as well as by multi and interdisciplinary research, knowledge translation and exchange excellence. In the Research Excellence Framework 2021, over half of our research was classified as either world-leading or internationally excellent. Our research has real world impact, for the direct benefit of society, professionals and communities of practice, and has recently been supported by the University’s largest ever philanthropic contribution which has helped to establish the Helen McArdle Nursing and Care Research Institute.

School of Medicine

Our School of Medicine opened in September 2019, one of five new schools in England.

We have a modern medical curriculum built around problem-based learning and we are partnered with Keele Medical School who are with us every step of the way in implementing this. We have strong links with local and regional hospital trusts and GP practices, who are engaged in clinical teaching across all five years of the curriculum.

Interprofessional learning is a key component of our Medicine course, where students will learn with, and understand the roles, responsibilities and professional boundaries of, their fellow nursing, pharmacy and paramedic science students. Teamwork in the NHS is key to successful NHS organisations and excellent patient outcomes.

Investment in world-leading laboratory and clinical simulation facilities enable our students to experience the very best in medical education.

School of Psychology

We teach across three cognate disciplines: Psychology, Counselling, and Public Health. Within each of these disciplines, courses have been developed with real-world application and this philosophy is underpinned by research conducted across the School.

Recently there has been investment in resources and students within the School have access to bespoke and well-equipped facilities. Teaching staff pride themselves on their accessibility and are focused on developing a community of learners. Our curriculum is by design integrated across students’ chosen discipline of study and the interrelatedness of the modules is enhanced by the extensive use of problem-based learning and a range of innovative assessment methods.

School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

We offer a multidisciplinary portfolio of highly-practical, industry-relevant and professionally accredited courses, which are career-focused to deliver the knowledge and skills for leading roles in pharmacy, pharmaceutical sciences and research. Our courses focus on applied study, practical development and evidence-based practice, which combines challenge with the reward of doing something truly worthwhile: the chance to make a positive difference to peoples’ lives, to Society, and to the pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences industry.

Academics are research active, providing progressive, relevant, supportive, and professionally-recognised education. We offer an employer-led multidisciplinary education incorporating interprofessional learning and shared learning experiences across the Faculty, along with real-world placement experiences. Our research spans a range of disciplines which focus on the scientific and academic understanding of patients, disease mechanisms and model systems, to translate outcomes into benefits for patients, including new therapies, diagnostics, targeted delivery methods and the use of medicines. 

School of Nursing and Health Sciences

We are a multidisciplinary School, comprising of four distinct teams: Exercise, Sport and Rehabilitation Therapies; Biosciences; Undergraduate Nursing and Paramedics; and Postgraduate Nursing CPD/CWD/WBL and Apprenticeships:

Exercise, Sport and Rehabilitative Therapies: The team includes registered physiotherapists, occupational therapists, and sport and exercise professionals. Physiotherapy students use physical approaches in the prevention and treatment of disease, injury and disability recognising that physical, psychological, social and environmental factors may limit movement and function; Occupational Therapy students enable occupational participation through modifying occupations, promoting new skills or approaches and adapting environments; and Sport and exercise students assess, design and implement strategies to optimise coaching, physical education and sport performance, as well as promote the physical and mental health benefits of physical activity participation across the lifespan.  

Biosciences: Biomedical and Healthcare Scientists are at the interface of laboratory medicine, clinical science and patient care, and play a central role in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of disease. Our Bioscience education is delivered in a technology-enabled, active learning environment through integration of lecture-based learning with practical experience of discipline specific equipment and state of the art instrumentation, simulation technology and digital learning tools. Our range of professionally accredited courses are informed by both research and clinical practice, and have been developed in partnership with NHS Trusts, life sciences industries, Health Education England, and relevant professional bodies.

Professional Healthcare Practice and Midwifery: The Professional Healthcare Practice and Midwifery team delivers a variety of CPD/WBL/CWD, Registered Nurse Degree Apprenticeship courses to support the professional development of the nursing/AHP and midwifery professions. The CPD catalogue offers a variety of modules, short courses, degrees, Masters and PG Diplomas which are underpinned by both research and clinical practice and been developed in conjunction with Practice Placement Partners to ensure they are contemporary and relevant to practice.

In addition to the CPD provision, the Professional Healthcare Practice and Midwifery team has developed alternative routes into nursing with the MNurse, undergraduate blended learning adult nursing course, and midwifery. We are constantly reviewing our provision and working with regional and national partners to create new and innovative courses to meet the needs of the healthcare workforce.

Undergraduate Nursing and Paramedic Science: Nurses and Paramedics form the cornerstone of all healthcare ensuring all aspects of health and wellbeing are managed to the highest standards. Our range of professionally accredited courses include: Paramedic Science and Out of Hospital Care, Adult Nursing Practice, Mental Health Nursing Practice, Learning Disability Nursing Practice, and Children’s and Young People’s Nursing Practice. All are informed by clinical practice and research to ensure learning is contemporary but also to ensure graduate employability.  Teaching is delivered in partnership with local NHS Trusts to ensure credibility and outstanding learning opportunities.

More information

Please contact us for more information about the University of Sunderland:

Email: student.helpline@sunderland.ac.uk
Tel: 0191 515 3000