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Ageing Well Exhibition

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Topic - Exhibitions and Performances

A Vision of Ageing Well: What does ageing well mean to residents of Sunderland?

This event will showcase findings and artwork from research which has explored what ageing well means to residents in Sunderland. 

Participants in this project (aged over 50 and living in the Sunderland area) took part in arts workshops and interviews which explored their views and perspectives on ageing well in Sunderland.

Participants created a mixed media visual commentary on ageing well which reflects and showcases what ageing well means to them, as well as reflecting the spaces and places within Sunderland that are important to them in this context. 

Please join us to hear what they had to say and to view the creative and conceptually informed artwork that has been created.

Event agenda:

1.30 - 1.45 - Arrival and refreshments.

1.45 - 1.55 - Welcome from the Right Worshipful the Mayor of the City of Sunderland, Councilor Allison Chisnall the Consort of the City of Sunderland, Deputy Consort Tracey Wainwright.

1.55 - 2.15 - A Vision of Ageing Well: Presentation by Dr. Sarah Lonbay (University of Sunderland), Jackie Nixon (Sunderland City Council) and Leon Garshong (LG Designer Maker Community Interest Company).

2.15 - 2.45 - Viewing of the artwork and engagement with the findings.