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Case Study

Michelle Alderson

Michelle Alderson, nee Oxborough, applied to Sunderland Polytechnic but started her studies at the University of Sunderland in 1992. Now, 48-years-old, the freelance illustrator and business brand designer, recalls with happiness her memories of her time in the city.

The Polytechnic I applied to became a University in the year I began my course.

“Thirty years seems such a large number, but it feels like yesterday too. I loved the city and, more than that, the gorgeous seaside setting.

“Walking on the beach was a great way to clear away the cobwebs and wake me up after a night out. My first year accommodation was on Roker Avenue.

“I chose Sunderland because it offered module-based degrees - I wanted to study various subjects and I think Sunderland was one of the very first places to offer this.

“I loved my time at the university and living in the city. I remember it really fondly. It always felt like a happy, safe place to be studying.

“I've been working freelance as an illustrator and brand designer. My company is called Heartfelt Illustrations, where I specialise in custom design.”