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Report and Support

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Tackling Hate Crime: Stay Safe. Report it. Get Supported.

We believe that tackling hate crime is a high priority. All students should be able to pursue their studies without fear of harassment and must feel safe and able to report incidents. Policies and procedures are in place to address all forms of harassment.

We have an online reporting tool and offer face-to-face confidential support for students. The University has also built Bystander training into your induction.

Bystander sessions give you the knowledge and confidence to be an active bystander on and off-campus; promote the value of reporting any ‘hate’ incidents; and bring attention to the help and resources available to you from the University if you find yourself a victim of or a bystander to any form of interpersonal violence, harassment, bullying or hate crime.

What is a Hate Crime?

“A hate crime is any criminal offence which is perceived by the victim or any other person to be motivated by hostility or prejudice towards an aspect of a person's identity or perceived identity, mainly involving race, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity or disability.” 

We are committed to maintaining a community of dignity, respect, and inclusivity for all students and staff. We actively encourage reporting any concerns or incidents experienced or witnessed by individuals or by our growing Bystander Community.

We aim to promote a supportive environment in line with our strong track record on equality, diversity and inclusion. Key to this support is ensuring that students know how to raise concerns about gender-based violence, hate crime, and harassment and where and how to access support.

Hate Crime resources

You can visit several national resources, that tell you more about Hate Crimes and ways to report your concerns and get support: