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Can you visit the University outside of open days?

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In addition to our open days, we offer various other opportunities for you to come and visit us on campus throughout the year.

We run several exciting subject events from interactive taster sessions to guest lectures, and we're always adding new events to our calendar. These are available both to individuals and school groups. Check out our subject event listings to see what's coming up.

We also hold regular campus tours across a range of dates and times if you aren't able to attend an open day. One of our friendly Student Ambassadors or someone from our Student Recruitment team will guide you around and you can let us know if you would like to speak to academic staff from your course or student support services as part of your tour.

If you're in Year 12 or 13, or teach pupils within these year groups, you might be interested in our talks and workshops. These cover general Higher Education topics, as well as specific subject sessions. We deliver a range of practical workshops but we can also work with you to develop a session to suit the needs of your class. Get in touch with us at student.recruitment@sunderland.ac.uk to find out more.