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How do I make a freedom of information request?

Home / Help and advice / Corporate and legal / Freedom of Information / How do I make a freedom of information request?

To request information held by the University that does not seem to be already available, please complete this webform, email your request to sunfoi@sunderland.ac.uk, or post it to:

Legal and Governance
University of Sunderland
4th Floor Edinburgh Building
City Campus

Requests to access environmental information can also be made on 0191 515 2627 or in person.

Your request should specify clearly all the information you require. We will make all reasonable efforts to locate this information, though we may need to ask you to provide more detail if your original request does not allow us to identify exactly what you want. If the information is already routinely published then we will provide you with guidance on how to find this information, rather than the information itself. The University will usually respond to a request within 20 working days.

The FOI Act includes some limits to your access to information, though the University would consider withholding information only in cases where an exemption legitimately applies. If we cannot comply with your request we will provide you with a full explanation of the reason(s) for refusal and details of how to appeal the decision. If the University does not hold the information you have requested we will write to you to inform you of this. Where possible, we will suggest alternative ways in which you may be able to access the information you require.

The supply of documents under the FOI Act does not give the person or organisation who receives them an automatic right to reuse the documents in a way that would infringe copyright. Unless otherwise stated, the University of Sunderland owns the copyright for the documents we send and the materials listed in our Publication Scheme.



Published: 12 June 2024

Request for Information form

Step 1

  • Personal Details
  • Information request details
  • Confirmation

If you would like to make a request for information held by the University of Sunderland under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 or the Environmental Information Regulations 2004, please complete and submit this form.

Required fields marked with *