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Apprenticeship information for employers

Our advanced, higher and degree apprenticeships are a cost-effective way for employers and learners to gain the latest top-level industry skills and knowledge. We work with businesses to shape apprenticeships to help train the next generation of workers. Funding opportunities mean apprenticeship training from the University will come at no extra cost to the employer.

Students sitting at desks in a classroom

What are advanced, higher and degree apprenticeships?

Our advanced, higher and degree apprenticeships are available at levels 3 to 7. They combine work with study and may include a university qualification such as a diploma, bachelor's, or master's degree. Some apprenticeships may also include a professional qualification relevant to the industry or specialism.

An apprentice, on average, will spend approximately 80% of their time at work, with a minimum of 20% allocated to 'off the job' learning. This allows apprentices to develop within their role whilst gaining transferable higher-level knowledge and skills which can be applied in the workplace.

Sir David Bell standing at the front of a room of people speaking at a conference

What are the benefits of an apprenticeship for employers?

Employing an apprentice has a host of benefits including:

  • Opportunity to help grow talent
  • Development of skills relevant to the organisation
  • Deepened specialist knowledge to bring back into your business
  • Improved productivity, quality, and delivery
  • Increased retention and savings on recruitment costs
  • Motivation of existing staff
  • Enhanced succession planning – future proofing skills pipeline.


Hear more about the benefits of an apprenticeship directly from one of the employers we've worked with.

A woman sitting in a room of people, smiling and holding a phone

Who pays for the apprenticeship?

Larger organisations can use their apprenticeship levy and government top-up to pay tuition and professional fees of advanced, higher or degree apprenticeships. For smaller, non-levy paying employers, the government pays 95% with the remainder co-invested by the business.

For apprentices, there are no tuition fees, as the costs are covered by contributions made by the government and/or the employer. This also means the apprentice will have no student loans.

Learn more about apprenticeship funding.

A blue leaflet with Senior Leader Apprenticeship Research Conference written on it

What training will I need to provide for apprentices?

On the job apprenticeship training

You'll need to provide your apprentice with training and supervision, as well as support them in other ways including:

  • an induction
  • mentoring to monitor progression, regularly review their skills, and give support
  • networking opportunities
  • performance reviews
  • mental health and wellbeing support.


Off the job apprenticeship training

This is delivered during your apprentice's normal working hours and they must spend at least 20% of this time completing it. The timings can be flexible and doesn't necessarily have to mean one day out of the workplace per week. Training can take place:

  • at the apprentice's place of work
  • on a placement within another organisation or department
  • at a training provider, college, or university
  • online
  • a combination of these options.


Both on the job and off the job training will teach your apprentice the knowledge, skills, and behaviours set out in the apprenticeship standard so they can achieve occupational competence.

Find out more about training apprentices.

An academic teaching a class, pointing to a large screen

How do I register an apprentice?

To register an apprentice as an employer, you'll need to set up an account on Government Gateway and register on the apprenticeship service. On your account, you'll be able to access funding, advertise vacancies, find training providers, and give feedback on apprenticeship training.

Find out more about registering apprentices with your business.

Contact us

To find out more information about our apprenticeships, please get in touch by emailing us at apprenticeships@sunderland.ac.uk or calling us on 0191 515 3361.