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Health Sciences and Wellbeing talks and workshops

Explore the talks and workshops we offer to students interested in the subjects that sit within our Faculty of Health Sciences and Wellbeing.

Celebrity Personalities

Audience: Years 12 and 13
Duration: 45-60 minutes
Capacity: 10-30 students

In this workshop, our academic staff introduce different approaches to studying personality, for example, nomothetic vs. ideographic. Using leading theories in personality such as trait theories, students will construct a profile of a celebrity using examples of their behaviours to illustrate how they show evidence of various personality traits.

Myths in Psychology

Audience: Years 12 and 13
Duration: 30-60 minutes
Capacity: 10-30 students

This interactive presentation will allow students to explore the myths that surround psychology and how it’s applicable in everyday life. They’ll learn about the nature of psychology and how theory can be applied to events around us. The session is suitable for everyone, whether they’re interested in studying the subject or not.

Reading Other Minds

Audience: Years 12 and 13
Duration: 60-90 minutes
Capacity: 20-30 students

Students will explore the idea of social cognition and how we understand the minds, beliefs, and desires of others. They’ll discuss 'theory of mind' with some demonstrations of ways in which you can measure 'mindreading', completing the ‘Reading the Mind in the Eyes’ task and reporting their findings back to the group.

Psychology of Ghosts

Audience: Years 12 and 13
Duration: 60-90 minutes
Capacity: 10-30 students

Explore the factors that account for the prevalence of belief in supernatural beings across time and cultures. Our academic staff will delve into some of the psychological factors that can account for individual reporting of haunting phenomena. Students will review reports of different hauntings, using their new knowledge to explain these without blaming the supernatural.

How Assumptions (Schemas) Affect How We Think

Audience: Years 12 and 13
Duration: 45-60 minutes
Capacity: 10-30 students

In this workshop, students will explore how our assumptions (schemas) about the world around us influence our thoughts and behaviours. They’ll take part in a series of activities which will reveal how schemas influence our perception, memory, and problem-solving abilities, showing that what we think we know isn’t always the case.

Why Paramedic Science?

Audience: Years 12 and 13
Duration: 1-2 hours
Capacity: 30 students

In this workshop, our academic staff will talk about the BSc (Hons) Paramedic Science and Out of Hospital Care course. Students will have the opportunity to ask questions about the course and its career prospects.
This session can be delivered online, at your school or college, or at the University. Sessions delivered at the University will also give students the chance to take a tour of our Paramedic Science facilities.


The Role of a Paramedic

Audience: Years 12 and 13
Duration: 1-2 hours
Capacity: 30 students

Students will learn from our academic staff what it means to be a professionally registered paramedic in the current climate. During the workshop, the role will be outlined, and they’ll gain an understanding of the HCPC standards and scope of practice.
This session can be delivered online, at your school or college, or at the University. Sessions delivered at the University will also give students the chance to take a tour of our Paramedic Science facilities.


Paramedic Placements

Audience: Years 12 and 13
Duration: 1-2 hours
Capacity: 40 students

This workshop will cover everything related to Paramedic Science placements, including where they might take place and what they involve. Our expectations of students on placement, practical assessment documentation, and professionalism registration standards will also be covered.
This session can be delivered online, at your school or college, or at the University. Sessions delivered at the University will also give students the chance to take a tour of our Paramedic Science facilities.

Could I be an Occupational Therapist?

Audience: Years 12 and 13
Duration: 40-60 minutes
Capacity: 20 students

In this workshop, our academic staff will discuss the personal and academic skills, as well as the competencies, students need to become an occupational therapist. This session can be delivered on site at your school or college, at the University, or online.


Analysing Activities: How Occupational Therapists Use Activity to Recover

Audience: Years 12 and 13
Duration: 90 minutes
Capacity: 20 students

This workshop consists of a practical session where students will take part in an everyday activity and study it through the eyes of an occupational therapist alongside our academic staff. This session can be delivered at your school or college, or at the University. Sessions delivered at the University will also give students the chance to take a tour of our facilities.


Going the extra mile: how occupational therapists think

Audience: Years 12 and 13
Duration: 90 minutes
Capacity: 20 students

This session is a practical workshop on site at the University or your School or College. Our academic staff aim to show how the occupational therapy process works and how problem solving skills are used to anticipate issues.


Going for an Interview? How to Prepare and What You Can Expect from an Interview at Sunderland

Audience: Year 13 or end of Year 12
Duration: 60 minutes
Capacity: 40 students

This workshop is online and will allow students to understand what they can expect from their interview for Occupational Therapy at Sunderland. Students will have the chance to get to know academics as well as ask any questions they may have.


Preparing to Study Occupational Therapy

Audience: Year 13 or applicants
Duration: 60 minutes
Capacity: 40 students

This workshop will be delivered online to students. Our academic staff will give advice on how to prepare for Occupational Therapy what to expect from University study. Students will also be given advice on what to read and what experiences may be useful.