Course modules
Core modules:
Research Module (20 credits)
Undertake advanced study in order to define, plan and a develop a proposal for a research investigation and scope, plan, develop and produce an academic research ‘paper’.
Product Development (20 credits)
Work with a client to develop a practical solution to a business problem, using up-to-date practitioner methods across the project life cycle.
Android Mobile Development (20 credits)
Learn how to build a highly interactive and dynamic native mobile application. This will include understanding the systems involved, from device hardware and software on which information is stored, including the platform database technologies used to structure and access data, to the media rich interface features needed to create good user experiences which leverage the native mobile platform.
Application Development for iOS (20 credits)
Gain experience in the specifics of development for the iPhone, iPad and iWatch.
Telecommunications (20 credits)
Experience the many applications and facets that are used to create a fully converged up to date telecommunications network capable of carrying both voice and data. It combines mobile phone technologies with that of the wireless LAN environment. The use of both softphones and power over ethernet phones and switches will give you the informed information required to use in an industrial background.
User Experience Design (20 credits)
Study the principles and practices that ensure users gain the most appropriate experience when interacting with computer-based software and hardware systems. Focus on the three core principles of interaction design: understanding users and their contexts which involve learning techniques to profile users and analyse their tasks; design principles such as layout and dialogue design and user-centred evaluation methods such as usability testing and expert inspection.