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Dr Mriganka Biswas

Home / About / Academic staff profiles / Computing / Mriganka Biswas

Lecturer in Computer Science

I am a robotics researcher and lecturer with a PhD in Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) and a passion for developing intelligent systems that integrate with human life. My expertise lies in advanced control systems design, machine/deep learning, and programming for various robotic platforms, including exoskeletons, autonomous continuum robots, and socially assistive robots.

Throughout my international career, I've held research positions in the UK, France, Singapore, and Canada, collaborating with top institutions like the University of Edinburgh, Nanyang Technological University, and CNRS. These experiences have given me a unique depth of knowledge in applying robotics concepts across healthcare, rehabilitation, and social interaction.

I am a dedicated educator, committed to sharing my knowledge with the next generation of robotics engineers. Currently, I'm a Lecturer in Computer Science at the University of Sunderland, while actively working in socially assistive HRI and autonomous robotic systems.

Some interesting projects I've worked on:

Teaching and supervision

I teach the following modules:

  • CETM44 Cyber Security and UXD
  • CET351 Research
  • CET140 Specialist Project
  • FDN030 Fundamentals of Computer Science
  • PROM02 Computing Masters Project
  • PROM07 Computing Placement Project

Research interests for potential research students

  • Social Human-Robot Interaction
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Deep Learning Algorithms
  • AI Ethics

If you're exploring PhD opportunities in human-robot interaction, I'd love to discuss exciting projects and potential collaborations. Please feel free to reach out.

Last updated 22 April 2024