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Harry Miles

Home / About / Academic staff profiles / Medicine / Harry Miles

Lecturer in Anatomy

I am a Lecturer in Anatomy at the School of Medicine in the Faculty of Health Sciences and Wellbeing. I began my academic journey at the University of Sheffield where I studied BSc Biomedical Science. It was during the second year of my course when I first stumbled upon human anatomy and immediately knew that this was something I would endeavour to succeed in. Across that year many of the anatomy demonstrators suggested that I should pursue a career in teaching as I have a talent for explaining difficult concepts in simple ways and developing effective memory techniques.

After my bachelor’s degree, I pursued a masters in Human Anatomy with Education. Along with gaining in-depth knowledge of human anatomy, pedagogy, and forensic anatomy, I also gained my status in the Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy, aligned with Descriptor 2.

Teaching and supervision

  • Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA)
  • Experience of teaching undergraduates from years 1 – 3

Research interests for potential research students

  • Anatomical Education
Human Anatomy
  • Musculoskeletal

Anatomy Pedagogy
  • Cadaveric Material
  • Prosections
  • Schematic Models


Last updated 28 February 2024