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Tony Kyle

Home / About / Academic staff profiles / Nursing / Tony Kyle

Senior Lecturer

I am a Senior Lecturer for Professional Healthcare Practice and Midwifery at the University of Sunderland.

I am responsible for the delivery of a variety of courses relating to postgraduate Nursing and Healthcare Practice including MSc Nursing, WBL/CPD/CWD, Blended Learning, and MNurse.

I'm passionate about developing others to fulfil their potential, and dedicated to enhancing the student experience.

Teaching and supervision

I'm currently Programme Leader for Advanced Diploma in General Practice Nursing and Advanced Diploma in Chronic Disease Management. I am also module leader for a level 7 teaching and learning module as well as numerous general practice modules including: Diabetes Care, Contraceptive Health, Common Ear Conditions, Treatment Room Skills, Respiratory Care, Cardiovascular Disease and Heart Failure.

I'm dedicated to enhancing the student experience using virtual platforms to develop instructional design principles. I provide teaching and academic support for undergraduate and postgraduate nursing and paramedical students, while providing dissertation supervision to BSc and MSc students.

Research interests for potential research students

My research interests are varied. I have concluded numerous research projects resulting in peer reviewed publications, specifically exploring the correlation between blood product use and hypocalcaemia, published in the Emergency Medical Journal.

I have also produced a paper on the success rate of surgical airway insertion in a military population and have co-authored on a publication in the Journal of Special Operations Medicine.

I am currently involved in research exploring clinical skill attainment and skill fade in nursing.


The following are research projects that I am currently involved in:
  • Performing clinical skills on deployed operations: Preparing Military Emergency Nurses for their role – PhD research – Teesside University.
  • An epidemiological study into the pre-hospital retrieval (MERT) casualties in the British Army Training Unit Kenya (BATUK) 2015-2017 – Current Service Evaluation and publication in JRAMC.
  • Effectiveness of clinical supervision in a military healthcare population
  • Current service evaluation and peer reviewed journal submission
  • History of nurse education – manuscript preparation

Last updated 28 February 2024