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Dr Helen Driscoll

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Pro Vice-Chancellor (Learning and Teaching), Associate Professor of Integrative and Inclusive Practice

I am Pro Vice-Chancellor (Learning and Teaching) and responsible for providing strategic leadership across the University in learning and teaching, the student experience, student outcomes and quality and standards. The role encompasses the diversity of the University of Sunderland's provision – at our campuses in Sunderland, London and Hong Kong, our online provision, and our collaborative provision both here in the UK and across the globe.

My previous role was Academic Director of Educational Partnerships. In this university-wide role, I provided leadership on the student experience, student outcomes and quality across our extensive collaborative provision, both in the UK and at our many transnational partners across the world.

My academic background is in Psychology. I graduated from Newcastle University in 2001 with First Class Honours in Psychology and the Mary McKinnon Prize. I completed a PhD in evolutionary psychology at Durham University (thesis title: Sex differences in aggression: the role of inhibitory control). I previously held academic positions at Durham University and Northumbria University. I was appointed as Senior Lecturer in Psychology at the University of Sunderland in 2006, and went on to be Principal Lecturer (Team Leader) in Psychology (leading the undergraduate psychology and counselling provision), and Acting Head of the School of Psychology (which includes Psychology, Counselling, and Public Health).

I have significant experience of innovative and transformational programme design, development and leadership, and of higher education quality assurance and enhancement. I also have a track record of leadership in external engagement (particularly media engagement), leadership in equality, diversity and inclusion (having led the School of Psychology's successful Athena Swan award, the first departmental award in the University), and leadership of learning and teaching projects at School and institutional level. I was recently awarded a prestigious international leadership scholarship by Santander to take their Emerging Women Leaders programme with the London School of Economics and Political Science. 

I am a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, a Chartered Psychologist and an Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society. I currently hold external examiner positions at London Metropolitan University and Bishop Grosseteste University and was previously Chief External Examiner for Psychology at Birmingham City University.

Following several years contributing to the British Psychological Society's Psychology of Sexualities Section committee, I now sit on the BPS Male Psychology Section Committee.

Internally, I support women in leadership as an Aurora Champion. 

Teaching and supervision

I have previously led and taught core and optional modules across psychology from Stage 1 to master's. I have led modules in research methods and data analysis, evolutionary psychology, attraction and sexuality, and dark personality.

Research interests for potential research students

My research interests include global education, higher education pedagogy, evolutionary psychology, male psychology, dark personality, attraction and sexuality, and aggression and violence. I am currently Director of Studies for one PhD student (project topic: motivations for BDSM) and co-supervisor for two PhD students (project topics: academic costly signalling and police interviewing of sex workers who are victims of sexual assault).


My research interests include international education and its impact, higher education pedagogy, evolutionary psychology, male psychology, dark personality, attraction and sexuality and aggression and violence. I am currently Director of Studies for one PhD student (topic: motivations for BDSM) and co-supervisor for two PhD students (topics: academic costly signaling and police interviewing of sex workers who are victims of sexual assault)


Number of items: 5.


Scott, Lesley, Hardisty, Jessica, Cussons, Hannah, Davison, Kathryn, Driscoll, Helen, Powell, Suzanne and Sturrock, Andrew (2021) Exploring a collaborative approach to the involvement of patients, carers and the public in the initial education and training of healthcare professionals: A qualitative study of patient experiences. Health Expectations. ISSN 1369-7625

Owens, Rebecca, Driscoll, Helen and Farrelly, Daniel (2020) Variation in Women’s Mate Preferences Over the Development of a Monogamous Relationship Corresponds with Changes in Men’s Life History Strategy. Evolutionary Psychological Science. ISSN 2198-9885

Wignall, Liam and Driscoll, Helen (2020) Women's rationales and perspectives on "mostly" as a non-exclusive sexual identity label. Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity. ISSN 2329-0390

Conference or Workshop Item

Hayes, Catherine, Driscoll, Helen and Knowles, Michael (2016) Roll Up Roll Up: Showcasing Excellence and Sharing Best Practice in Programme Delivery across the Faculty of Applied Sciences. In: Learning and Teaching Festival, Students as Partners in Learning and Teaching, University of Sunderland Learning Enhancement Annual Conference, 24-26 Apr, University of Sunderland, UK.. (Submitted)

Owens, Rebecca, Driscoll, Helen, Farrelly, Daniel and Crawley, Rosalind (2015) Women Desire More Evidence of Commitment from a Partner as a Relationship Develops. In: Culture and Evolution Symposium, PsyPAG, 22-24 Jul 2015, Glasgow, UK.. (Unpublished)

This list was generated on Thu Oct 24 07:44:12 2024 BST.
  • Transnational and international education
  • Collaborative provision
  • Higher education pedagogy
  • Equality, diversity and inclusion
  • Quality assurance and enhancement
  • Evolutionary psychology
  • Aggression and violence
  • Male psychology
  • Quantitative research methods
  • Individual differences
  • Domestic abuse
  • Attractiveness, mate choice and body image
  • Sexual behaviour
  • The dark triad personality (psychopathy, narcissism, Machiavellianism)

Last updated 06 August 2024