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Why I chose the University of Sunderland to study Computer Science

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Published: March 25, 2021

As a person who lives in Newcastle, I knew that I wanted to go to a university that was close to home. This meant applying to Sunderland was something beneficial to me as I can be close to home, just a metro journey away.

Ana computing image

With Sunderland being close, I was able to go to the open days which was an amazing experience for me. On the open day, I was able to go into the university, talk to the lecturers and look at the great facilities that they have.

I loved the fact that the university was so welcoming. From having buses that took you between campuses, to having personal tours of the buildings – you could really tell that the staff at the University of Sunderland cared.

Looking at the different facilities that are available in the David Goldman Technology Centre (where classes are held for students of Technology) I knew that Sunderland was a great option for me as they had such great equipment that we can use in our studies.

Even when I got to see the different buildings of the university, I knew that it would be an awesome place to study. Everything looked so cool and St Peter’s campus had such a great vibe to it. It is next to the river, so I visioned myself sitting outside or just looking at the river through the window whilst studying in the Prospect Building. I can now say, after going there for 3 years, that I have definitely taken advantage of this great view, often getting off the metro and walking to the campus by going through the route that allows me to walk next to the river.

Another factor that helped me choose Sunderland, was the flexibility of the course. In the first year, everyone in the different computing specialisms takes the same module (Fundamentals of Computing) – this adds the flexibility of being able to change in the second year if you want to change specialism, plus you get to try the different parts of computing in this module which helps you find what you are passionate about. When I read that this was possible on the course page on the University of Sunderland website, I thought that was great because usually, I am an indecisive person so I didn’t know if I wanted to specialise in anything. I also liked the fact that I could take a placement year in the industry.

The content I saw on the course page on the University of Sunderland website was good as it showed me what modules the course involved. It had a wide range of topics that interested me. Another thing that I thought was great was the fact that I realised by checking the website that there were no exams for Computer Science. All the assessments were assignments/coursework, which was great news for me as exams were not my strong points.

In conclusion, there were many reasons why I chose the University of Sunderland and I do not regret my decision. This feels like the perfect place for me and I love it here.


Ana Castillo Bottto
BSc Hons Computer Science 



Topic: Course