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How do I accept my conditional offer?

Home / Help and advice / Info for international students / Your application and offer / How do I accept my conditional offer?

When you receive an offer of a place you need to choose to accept or decline the offer.

To accept or decline your offer please log in to e:Vision and respond to the offer.

When you receive the offer it will include details of all the conditions you need to meet to study at the University of Sunderland, including information about deposits and how to pay tuition fees.

Typically, conditions may be:

  • Completion of your current course/copy of qualifications
  • Payment of tuition fees/evidence of sponsorship
  • Evidence of English Language ability
  • Immigration history form

You will also be asked to provide the University with your passport number.

You will be asked to make your conditional offer a firm offer before continuing. This means that the University of Sunderland is the university you intend to study with.

Published: 18 June 2024