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What support do you offer for enterprise and employability?

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Discover your potential at the University of Sunderland

A view from above of a Sports Hall at the University of Sunderland. It is on an Open Day and there are stands with visitors and staff members.

Here at the University of Sunderland, we know your journey towards a fulfilling career starts now. Our comprehensive Employability and Enterprise services are here to ensure that your academic journey doesn't just lead to a degree but serves as a launchpad for a successful career.

Spark your career

The concept of the Spark at the University of Sunderland is about igniting your potential and passion for your future career. Through our tailored employability services and entrepreneurial support, we aim to spark your journey towards success, ensuring that every student has the opportunity to shine brightly in their chosen field.

Employability support

Your time at university is not only about gaining a degree but also about enhancing your employability. Our dedicated Student Career and Skills Coaches offer a range of services to help you build a compelling CV, prepare for interviews, and navigate the world of employment. Our expert Careers Consultants can provide you with one-to-one career consultations, helping you align your academic pursuits with your career goals.

Enterprise support

Dreaming of starting your own business? The Enterprise Place is here to help turn that dream into reality. Our team offers assistance in entrepreneurship, providing valuable guidance on how to start and manage a business or become a freelancer. From practical advice on business plans to access to networks of entrepreneurs, we provide you with the tools to build a successful enterprise.

Two people at a Graduate Fair stand at the University of Sunderland. A staff member is explaining something to a student

Events and workshops

Throughout the year, we organise a variety of workshops, masterclasses, and networking events. These include industry insights, interview techniques, CV writing skills, and how to optimise your LinkedIn profile. These events provide an opportunity for you to learn from industry experts, interact with potential employers, and build a strong professional network.

Professions-facing learning

Gaining practical work experience throughout your degree is crucial. We integrate real-world scenarios into your academic journey, such as internships, placements, and fieldwork. This fusion of theory and practice is designed to prepare you for the job market and give you an edge over the competition.

SUPA Award

To recognise your engagement and achievement beyond academics, we present the Sunderland University Professional Award (SUPA). This accolade is given to students who participate actively in our services and demonstrate significant growth in their employability skills. It's an excellent addition to your CV and a fantastic way to stand out to potential employers.

Support beyond graduation

Our support doesn’t end at graduation. We offer post-graduation services to ensure a smooth transition into the working world. This includes continued access to career consultations and guidance, job opportunities, and resources to enhance your employability.

We are committed to your success, and our employability and enterprise services are just one of the ways that we can support you. Join us, and let's shape your future together.

Published: 13 June 2024