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Extending the hand of friendship thousands of miles

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Published on 18 February 2019

Visitors to the UoS law clinic
Visitors to the UoS law clinic

Guests from thousands of miles away paid a special visit to the University of Sunderland to learn more about UK law.

Caroline Gibby, Head of the University’s Law School, welcomed visitors from the Uganda Law Society to one of the daily law clinic sessions.

The fact-finding group spent the morning finding out how Clinical Legal Education is delivered at the University.

The visitors spoke to Sunderland law students who shared their experiences of CLE and the various opportunities this had given them to better understand the law.

Caroline said: “This was an exciting opportunity to speak with legal academics and practitioners and to share different ideas about teaching and learning within law.

“It is also important because it opens up the opportunity for collaboration in the future.”

The visitors included Lydia Namuli Lubega, Manager of the Legal Aid Clinic at the Law Development in Uganda; Henry Sylvester Wambuga, Deputy Head of the Department of Post Graduate Studies and Legal Aid; and her Hon. Lady Judge Eva Luswata Kawuma, Chairperson of the Legal Aid Clinic Advisory Board.