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UKRI Participatory Research funding allocation – Call for applications

Research / Research Blogs / UKRI Participatory Research funding allocation – Call for applications

Published: November 30, 2021

Written by: Veronique Laniel

Funding Aim:
Research England’s vision is for HEIs to deliver world-class research with transformational real-world application, developing the skills and talents of the workforce, and Participatory Research is a key element in realising that vision. Participatory Research also connects closely with UKRI’s vision for an outstanding research and innovation system that allows everyone the opportunity to contribute and to benefit, enriching lives locally, nationally and internationally by directly involving a wider pool of people, organisations and approaches in research, and by encouraging researchers in universities to engage with the users of research throughout the research lifecycle, from conception to outcomes.

Research England is interested in understanding more about what activity is undertaken by HEIs to support participatory and co-produced research and to be able to identify and highlight successful interventions.

The University has been awarded a fund of £20,000 for this Academic Year to support research which can be used to cover the costs of co-produced research and to run capacity-building activities such as:

• Pilot projects using innovative models and methodologies for participatory research

• The development of materials to support researchers interested in developing their skills in participatory research, and public engagement activities that are related to participatory and co-produced research

• Case studies and evidence of the impact of co-produced research, and evaluations of the effectiveness of co-production from different institutions/disciplines.

Condition of Award:
Upon award, there will be light-touch monitoring of the programme from UKRI which recipients of funding may be asked to contribute case study material and/or participate in discussions to share good practice and learning from their work in this area. UKRI does not expect monitoring activity to start until August 2022 and further details about their monitoring of this investment will follow in due course.

Interested in Applying?
If you are involved in a project or have an idea that could benefit from support from the Participatory Fund, please apply by completing the ONLINE FORM

Deadline for applications: Friday 17th December 2021

Applications will be reviewed in January with applicants notified of the outcome by 24th January 2022