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Our strong links with national sector funding agencies enhance the impact of our education research. The focus is on learning to think carefully, critically, creatively, independently, and with others to lead fulfilled lives and contribute to society, industry and the economy.

Research areas

Centre for Research in Education (CRE)

The Centre for Research in Education (CRE) provides opportunities for scholars in educational research to collaborate with researchers at all stages in their academic careers, across other disciplines and institutions. We foster a culture of learning and building upon experience. Our partnerships with public and private institutions enable our research to engage with a wide range of users and stakeholders. We draw together research in science and engineering, the arts, humanities, medicine and nursing, social sciences, and leadership and management. Our thematic research groups are:

Professional learning, teacher education and practice-focused research

This includes research in the Initial and Continuing Professional Development (CPD) of Teachers; Work-Based Learning and Informal Learning as well as research which focuses on the nature of practice and how practice improves, drawing from the disciplines of Philosophy, Education, Sociology, Anthropology as well Socio-cultural and Cognitive Psychology. The potential of practice-focused research in educational improvement and its contribution to theory development has been picked up nationally by policy professionals, education leaders and practitioners across the UK and Europe.

Inclusive education, special educational needs and disabilities

This includes investigations in Affective and Moral Issues in Education. It draws upon Neuroscience, Cognitive Psychology and Philosophy to examine how affective and moral dimensions of education influence, student involvement; inclusion and equity; learner empowerment; democratic education; citizenship and voice in different education sectors.

Sarah Martin-Denham's research provides fascinating insights into the implementation of local and national policy to exclude children caught up in “managed moves” and ‘‘off-rolling”, bringing to light how these practices are leading to school exclusions grounded in factors of social class and the dilemmas and complexities of teachers’ attempts to rise to challenges of inclusion and equity education in a period of financial austerity and league tables. Sarah's research has been taken up by Dame Carol Black (Chair of the Independent Review of Drug Use - Department of Health and Social Care) and Anne Longfield, (Children’s Commissioner for England and DfE Central Research Division). 

Dr Helen Benstead’s research deepens understanding of social inclusion and the experiences of pupils identified with SEND including those who have encountered adverse childhood experiences.

Curriculum, pedagogy and assessment

This group includes research in Design Technology; ICT and Digital Technology in Education; Teaching and Learning in HE and FAVE contexts. It also investigates curriculum theory, curriculum design and development as well as assessment theory and practice.

Professor Stephanie Atkinson’s research is distinctive in providing important contributions to understanding curriculum theory, inclusion and development in Design Technology.

Dr Maddalena Taras and Professor Mark Davies raise world-leading challenges to dominant discourses in the theory and practice of Formative Assessment by critically examining and evaluating how formative assessment practices relate to the realities of student involvement, empowerment and voice.

Our impact

The areas of research share our signature focus on practical solutions for the real world. We work side-by-side with our students and colleagues across and beyond the University to tackle educational issues and translate ideas from theory and research into practice.

As a leading large-scale provider of professional teacher education, we aim to understand the changing conditions and outcomes of policies, programmes and practices that frame theory, practice and research in education across the lifecourse.

Who we are

The Centre for Research in Education is led by Professor Maggie Gregson, Professor of Vocational Education.