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Case Study

Elizabeth Dent

BSc Psychology graduate Elizabeth Dent hopes to complete her PhD with the aim of becoming a university lecturer.

My tutors at sixth form informed me that the University of Sunderland’s Psychology department was excellent. I saw this for myself when I attended an open day, as staff were passionate and approachable. I knew that this was where I wanted to study, firstly for a BSc in Psychology, and then for an MSc.

The best aspect of the course is the encouragement from lecturers to always improve, and pursue my career goals. I’m looking to complete a PhD, with the aim of becoming a lecturer.

There are frequent opportunities to experience the life of a researcher, with activities such as grant applications, and a term-long placement as a research assistant for a member of staff, as well as conducting your own research project.

I would recommend the University of Sunderland without a doubt! The staff are so helpful and I've had an excellent experience with departments such as student and disability services, and the financial advisers on campus.

I would advise future students to engage with your course, take advantage of the numerous opportunities and experiences available to you, and enjoy your time studying here. I’ve loved it!”

Published 24 November 2017

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