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James Corkin

Hebburn, UK

BSc (Hons) Paramedic Science and Out of Hospital Care

James Corkin worked in a variety of healthcare roles before deciding to focus on becoming a paramedic. His favourite parts of the Paramedic Science and Out of Hospital Care course are the placements and simulation exercises with real-life patients. He hopes to work in primary and urgent care as a paramedic upon graduation.

I’ve worked in a variety of different healthcare roles; in a GP practice, the Blood and Transplant Service, A&E and as an Ambulance Technician. I had always wanted to go down a healthcare route and the role of the paramedic felt like the obvious choice for me so I applied to Sunderland as it felt like an exciting opportunity to progress into that career.

For me, there are several great things about the course, for example the placements – so far I have been with the Community and Learning Disability Mental Health Team at North Tyneside General Hospital and out with the North East Ambulance Service (NEAS). I really enjoy the placements due to the people you meet and the stories they have. We get to experience a range of simulation exercises too – recently we did a trauma exercise where we had to transport a patient into the training ambulance and travel around Sunderland. I had to do CPR in a lift which was really challenging and I learnt a lot as there are things you don’t think about until you try to move a patient for real. I also enjoy working with the Patient, Carer and Public Involvement (PCPI) participants who are real-life patients, carers and members of the public who help with teaching. So far we have done the basics of history-taking with them when they have been involved in our simulation exercises. They make it real and give you proper patient feedback. We also get to hear from expert guest speakers, for example The Lawnmowers who are a unique company run by and for people who learning disabilities. They put on a performance for us to show how they are treated in healthcare and we had to point out faults and what had been missed along the way.

If you’re thinking about paramedic science as a career, I would advise that you fully research the role of a paramedic and find out what it actually involves. TV shows suggest it’s all blue flashing lights and trauma calls, but that’s not really an accurate picture. Come to an Open Day, meet the team and the students and check out the facilities – which are amazing. We have brilliant kit, simulation manikins and a immersive suite, which are all great ways to learn in a safe environment. The staff are fantastic – they are experts in their own right and draw on experiences from their own backgrounds.

In the future I hope to graduate as a paramedic and work in primary and urgent care. The BSc (Hons) Paramedic Science and Out of Hospital Care course is challenging, a great way to develop and has helped me grow as a person."

Published 26 November 2020

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