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Mark Colledge

Durham, UK

BSc (Hons) Paramedic Science and Out of Hospital Care

Prior to starting university, Mark Colledge was a sound engineer and a volunteer for Teesdale and Weardale Search and Mountain Rescue Team. While volunteering, Mark has seen and worked with a variety of medical teams, it is thanks to this that he became interested in being a paramedic and after a few years of not applying, he decided to just go for it.

I chose to study at the University of Sunderland as I was told that it was one of the best universities to go if you want to become a paramedic. I've seen quite a lot of information on social media and on the website prior to me applying. This helped me with my decision.

Prior to starting university, I was a sound engineer working for an events company. I would manage all the technical aspects and ensure that the sound and lighting during events were successful. I am also a volunteer for Teesdale and Weardale Search and Mountain Rescue Team. I have been doing this for a few years now. Since starting volunteering I have seen and worked with a variety of medical teams. It is thanks to this that I became interested in being a paramedic.

After a few years of not applying, I decided that I would just go for it. I spoke with family and friends and they all agreed that I should and have supported me throughout. I feared that I wouldn’t be able to financially support myself whilst at the University, but so far so good… 

The tutors are great, the knowledge they have in all areas, practical and theory is amazing. We spend quite a bit of the year out on placement with the ambulance service and in hospitals. It's great! Whilst we are at the University we also have the ability to use the immersion suite which is an interactive room that can simulate real-life emergencies, allowing us to train in a safe environment.

No matter what your situation is prior to applying for university, the University will support and guide you throughout. The student support is amazing! There really isn’t anything to worry about. I am currently still studying but my future aims are to graduate in 2022 as expected and become a paramedic, allowing me to help and care for others.

To sum up my experience of studying at the University of Sunderland so far I would have to say firstly how much I have enjoyed it. You make friends instantly on day one and they will be there for you forever. The academic work and lecturers may seem daunting at first, but once you get into them and get to know your tutor they are good. It's great learning new stuff and having fun whilst doing it. The support received is great, whether it's from the library services, tutors, friends or the student wellbeing team, there is always someone on hand to help you. I can highly recommend the University of Sunderland and the Paramedic Science and Out of Hospital Care course!"

Published 17 September 2019

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