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Menopause Staff Network

Information on how the University of Sunderland's Menopause Staff Network has run between 2021-22.

What is the Menopause Staff Network?

The Menopause Staff Network was set up in 2019-20 as a way for community members and allies to be socially active.

As of August 2021:

  • 49 members attend the Menopause Staff Network
  • 100% believe that the networks support the delivery of the University Value of Inclusion
Two people talking in the park

100% agree that they create connections, a safe space, shared purpose, interests and sense of belonging for members

Two people sat on the metro

100% agree that they are able to share problems, knowledge, ideas, situations and lessons

A person sat outside smiling

92% agreed that they solve problems, bringing resources, processes and other ways of change to the University

Two people in the Bridges shopping centre

83% agree that they are a powerful voice and source for positive change, embedded across the whole University.

Chair of the Menopause Network

Louise Thompson

Programme Administrative Assistant

Sharon Moon

Co-Chair of the Menopause Network

Sharon Moon

Finance Coordinator 

Students jumping on the beach in the water

Our impact

The Menopause Network developed the Statement of Commitment on the Menopause which was approved by the University in July 2022. The statement is designed to raise awareness of menopause transition and provide information and support for those who are directly or indirectly affected. It therefore contains information relevant to employees, their managers and other colleagues.

Students talking

Why do staff attend?

  • To gain help and talk freely to people who have been through or are going through similar experiences
  • To get support and share experiences of the Menopause with the network
  • To support others, get advice if required, and learn updated information
  • To support my team and awareness for myself
  • To be part of a supportive group
  • To increase my own knowledge
Three women look at a laptop.

Other areas

  • 33% feel the network would benefit from a more structured action plan
  • 58% feel the network would benefit from having assigned roles for individuals for example Chair, Events coordinator, note taker
  • 58% would like to see the networks recognised in appraisals

Staff testimonials:

We asked the members of the Menopause Staff Network their opinions.

Exterior of Cityspace at night

"Everyone’s journey through the Menopause may be different but the fantastic support from this network is the same for all - priceless."

Stairs outside the Prospect building at Sir Tom Cowie campus

"A safe community for women to talk, get advice and tips and the option to attend training is a real comfort."

City campus at dusk

"Being a member of this safe space gave me the confidence to let my guard down at work and admit that I was struggling. Now I know I am not alone."


Contact us

We welcome feedback on Equality, Diversity, Inclusion and Social Responsibility.

Please contact our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Manager, justine.gillespie@sunderland.ac.uk or,
the Student Union LGBTQ+ Officer at yoursu@sunderland.ac.uk