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Dr Qiang Huang

Home / About / Academic staff profiles / Computing / Qiang Huang

Senior Lecturer in Computer Science

I obtained a PhD in Computer Science from the University of East Anglia in 2006. After that, I worked in several higher education institutions in the UK and completed many research projects funded by EPSRC and collaborating with industry.

In 2022 I joined the University of Sunderland to work as Senior Lecturer in Computer Science.

Teaching and supervision

My main areas of teaching are machine learning, artificial intelligence, and related applications. I teach:

Research interests for potential research students

  • Deep Learning for Data Analysis
  • Speech Recognition
  • Audio Signal Processing
  • Language Understanding
  • Machine Translation
  • Information Retrieval
  • Multimodal Information Processing
  • Speaker Recognition and Verification


My research interests cover several areas in deep learning, speech understanding, audio processing, natural language processing, and multi-modal information technology. I am also interested in human computer dialogue and sports video analysis.

  • Deep Learning for Data Analysis
  • Speech Recognition and Understanding
  • Audio Signal Processing
  • Language Modelling
  • Information Retrieval
  • Multimodal Information Processing
  • Speaker Recognition and Verification
  • Human Machine Dialogue

Last updated 31 May 2024