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Umar Manzoor

Home / About / Academic staff profiles / Computing / Umar Manzoor

Associate Professor

I am an Associate Professor in the School of Computer Science, Faculty of Technology. I have research interests in AI/ML, autonomous systems, digital healthcare, and robotics.

I have published over 90 papers in leading international journals and highly prestigious conferences. I am a member of BCS, IEEE, AAAI, ACM, and a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.

I have worked on many research projects from DARPA to H2020 and with businesses and organisations, and have secured funding from a number of funding agencies including BBSRC, Innovate UK, HORIZON2020, KTP, FCDO, BEIS, and the British Council. I have taken several key research and teaching leadership roles such as Deputy REF2021 Lead UoA11, PGT Champion, CS&T Transformation Lead, Programme Director, Data Science and AI Program Lead, and have worked with interdisciplinary teams and engaged in impactful, collaborative, interdisciplinary research projects and teaching initiatives.

Teaching and supervision

I am involved in the delivery of the following modules: 

Undergraduate (BSc):

  • CET351 – Research
  • CET300 – Computing Project
    • CETM26 – Machine Learning And Data Mining – Sunderland Online


Postgraduate (MSc):

  • CETM47 – Machine Learning and Data Analytics (Module Leader)
  • PROMO2 – Computing Master's Project (Supervisor)

Research interests for potential research students

I welcome PhD candidates in areas of AI/ML including but not limited to the following:

  • Explainable AI in digital health
  • AI/ML in Argoinformatics
  • AI/ML in Emissions and Netzero 
  • Robotics Autonomy 
  • Multiagent Systems

Feel free to get in touch with me.


Current PhD supervisions:

  • Ahmeed Suliman Farhan – Deep Learning, Brain MRI, and Explainability
  • Hayley Hatton – Symmetry-Based Decomposition for optimised parallelisation
  • Muneeb Anjum – Energy Analysis, Optimization and Harvesting to Improve Mobile Robot Autonomy
  • Rob Adams –Smart and Intelligent Self-Configurable Robot
  • Martin Davies –Enabling real-time learning & movement adoption in Quadruped Robots using reinforcement learning.


  • Explainable and Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence
  • Machine Learning
  • Data Analytics and Visualization
  • Digital Health
  • Autonomous Systems
  • Cognitive Agents

Last updated 29 April 2024