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Inclusive Education, Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

Led by Professor Bridget Cooper, Kate Duffy and Sarah Martin-Denham



This Thematic Research Group includes investigations in Affective and Moral Issues in Education. It draws upon insights from Neuroscience, Cognitive Psychology and Philosophy to examine how affective and moral dimensions of education influence, student involvement; inclusion and equity; learner empowerment; democratic education; citizenship and voice in different sectors of education.

Sarah Martin-Denham's extensive, mixed-method, empirical research provides fascinating insights into, and is highly critical of, the implementation of local and national policy in relation to excluded children caught up in “managed moves” and ‘‘off-rolling”, bringing to light the way in which these policies and practices are leading to school exclusions grounded in factors of social class and the dilemmas and complexities of teachers’ attempts to rise to challenges of inclusion and equity education in a period of financial austerity and league tables. Her research has important implications for future changes and challenges in policy and practice.
Sarah Martin-Denham's research has been taken up by Dame Carol Black (Chair of the Independent Review of Drug Use - Department of Health and Social Care) and Anne Longfield, (Children’s Commissioner for England and DfE Central Research Division). 

Dr Helen Benstead’s systematic literature review, supplemented by empirical research, deepens understanding of the concept of social inclusion and the experiences of pupils identified with SEND including those who have encountered adverse childhood experiences.