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Andrew (Drew) Dalton

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Senior Lecturer in Sociology

My career history:

I'm a Sociologist with significant industry experience in the Third Sector and education over the past 20 years. Throughout this time, I have been involved in the Third Sector in a range of charity management roles at both operational and senior strategic levels. I have experience of fundraising, activism and campaigning, human rights documentation, working with vulnerable adults and children, international development, the United Nations, and community development work.

Previously, I have managed community-based or charitable organisations such as supporting people living with HIV, educating the public on LGBTQI+ histories, and supporting LGBTQI+ Muslims in the UK.

I have also previously worked in and developed youth projects with vulnerable young people, and I am a qualified teacher where I have taught in secondary schools as a former Head of Religion and Philosophy, and in HE colleges as an Access Course Tutor and Foundation Degree Leader.

I have taken part in international development projects exploring topics such as child labour practices in Nepal through the rug and carpet-making industries, and I have explored access issues to education for girls in rural Kenya.

Outside of work, I am currently the Founder, Chair, and CEO of ReportOUT, a global human rights charity for sexual and gender minorities. 

As an outcome of my HIV research, I have since developed Positive Allies a new HIV charter mark for employers and volunteer organisations. This is in partnership with the University of Sunderland to ensure that UK employers, and organisations with volunteers, demonstrate that they are 'HIV friendly' and non-discriminatory in their employment practices toward people living with HIV.

My qualifications:

I originally studied BSc (Hons) Sociology and Social Research and following this, completed an MSc in Social Research at Northumbria University, as well as an MA in Gender Studies at Newcastle University. I have an MPhil from the University of Leeds, exploring the life histories of older people living with HIV.

I am also a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA) and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (FRSA). I am a qualified secondary school teacher and trainer, and I have a degree-level certificate in volunteer management.

Awards and funding:

I was the winner of the 2016 North East Equality Awards 'Individual Who Makes a Difference' and the 2019 'Outstanding Contribution Award' at the North East LGBTQI+ Awards. I have also been shortlisted for awards at the Rainbow Honours Awards and a number of times at the National Diversity Awards. I was given a 'Lifetime Achievement' award in 2024, for my LGBTQI+ activism.

In 2021, I was very proud to be ranked number 64 on the Pride Power List of the top 100 influential LGBTQI+ people in the UK.

Teaching and learning:

In terms of teaching and learning, I received the Vice Chancellor Teaching Fellowship (2020-2021) which is a funded project exploring gamification and games-based learning for staff to enhance curriculum design. I have also proudly won a number of teaching awards throughout my career so far.

Please click on the research button to read more about my research and publications.

Teaching and supervision

I am module leader for:

Undergraduate modules:

  • Religion and Belief: Social Conflict or Social Glue?
  • Our Planet: Global Health, Poverty, and Inequality

MSc Inequality and Society modules:
  • Fear of a Queer Planet? Sexuality and Inequality
  • A Troubled World? Activism, Resistance, and Social Justice
  • Inequality and Society Dissertation

I also co-teach the MA Childhood and Youth Studies module, 'Contemporary Issues in Childhood and Youth Studies,' as well as supervising dissertations for the MSc Inequality and Society and various undergraduate Social Science dissertations.

Research interests for potential research students

My research interests for potential students focus broadly on the global human rights of sexual and gender minorities (LGBTQI+), including the impact of sexuality on international development and humanitarian aid. Alongside this, I am interested in sexual and gender minorities and the impact of the Climate Emergency on their lives.

I am very interested in queer issues and human rights, including the nature and impact of global trans/bi/homophobia in nation-states, their geo-political nature, and the impact of the nation-state on the lived experiences of queer people and their communities. 


Research interests:

For research, I am primarily interested in the lived experiences of people living with HIV and AIDS, as well as LGBTQI+ identities, lives, and human rights in light of global trans/bi/homophobia and state oppression.

My other research interests also include the social impact of global health issues, global inequality issues, the role of sexuality in the development of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and the sociology of religion and belief.

Recent and upcoming research:

I have recently completed a research project on the lived experiences of sexual and gender minorities in Uganda, working alongside seven Ugandan partner organisations.

I am currently working on a report for the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Contemporary Forms of Slavery, outlining a global scoping review of the links between LGBTQI+ communities, homelessness, and modern-day slavery and trafficking. 

In 2022, I received the UKRI Participatory Research Fund to work with my colleague Abbie Riley to complete a participatory research PhotoVoice project with the LGBTQI+ organisation Legebitra, in Slovenia.

Academic journals:

My previous publications in journals have examined the role of stigma and the medicalisation of HIV (HIV Nursing) and I am working on an upcoming journal outlining the impact of the 'pink line' on human rights abuses toward LGBTQI+ Ugandans, with my colleague Jodie Weatherston.

Book chapters:

Previous and upcoming book chapters have explored the role of austerity and its effects on HIV services (Palgrave MacMillan), the difficulties faced by LGBTQI+ Muslims in the UK (Routledge), the Climate Emergency and its effects on LGBTQI+ global populations (Palgrave MacMillan), and the weaponisation of Covid-19 by nation states in their treatment of LGBTQI+ people, and their populations (Palgrave MacMillan).

I also co-edit an upcoming book with Professor Angela Smith with Palgrave MacMillan entitled: 'Gender and Sexuality in a Multidisciplinary Approach to the SDGs,' which will examine the role of gender and sexuality in the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as part of Agenda 2030.

I am also currently working on a sole-authored book entitled: 'Broken Rainbow? Global Queer Lives, Rights and Challenges' with Bloomsbury Publishing. This book will examine a global snapshot of queer human rights in every region of the world and how they impact and are felt, by queer people and their communities. This book will use case studies of queer lives through in-depth interviews with activists, businesses, UN agencies, and INGOs/NGOs. 


Number of items: 51.


Dalton, Andrew and Weatherston, Jodie (2024) Navigating the Pink Line? LGBTQ+ Ugandans as neither ‘victims’ nor ‘deviants’. (De)constructing Criminology: International Perspectives. p. 211. (In Press)

Dalton, Andrew (2023) How can universities support global LGBTQI+ human rights? Times Higher Education. ISSN 0049-3929

Dalton, Andrew (2018) Sexuality and Islam are Compatible. Openly.

Dalton, Andrew (2017) ‘Just Take a Tablet and You’ll be Ok’: Medicalisation, the Growth of Stigma and the Silencing of HIV. HIV Nursing, 17 (2). pp. 63-68.

Dalton, Andrew (2016) HIV Stigma and Employment in HE: What Can We Do? Times Higher Education. ISSN 0049-3929

Dalton, Andrew (2014) A Fog on the Tyne? Attitudes toward HIV in the North East of England. Positive Nation.

Dalton, Andrew (2005) Understanding 12-14 Year Olds, Margot Waddell (Review). 0-19 Magazine. p. 27.

Dalton, Andrew (2004) Review of Book: Online Connections: Internet Interpersonal Relationships. Centre for Cyber cultural research.

Dalton, Andrew (2004) How to do the History of Homosexuality by David M. Halperin Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2002 (Review). Sexualities, Evolution and Gender, 6 (2-3). pp. 217-224. ISSN 1479-2508

Dalton, Andrew (2003) Virtual gender: technology, Consumption and Identity (Review). Centre for Cyber Cultural Research.

Book Section

Dalton, Andrew (2023) 'No one left behind? Sexual and gender minorities, their barriers to the SDGs, and the impact of the Climate Emergency on their lives and communities. In: Hazards, Disasters, Climate Change and Sexual and Gender Diversity. Routledge Studies in Hazards, Disaster Risk and Climate Change series . Routledge, London. (Submitted)

Dalton, Andrew (2023) Have We Left Behind the Rainbow Warriors? The Climate Emergency and Its Impact on Global Queer People and Their Communities. In: Gender, Sexuality and the UN's SDGs: A Multidisciplinary Approach. Sustainable Development Goals Series . Palgrave Macmillan, London, pp. 17-40. ISBN 978-3-031-31046-1

Dalton, Andrew (2023) Weaponising stigma? Stigma, homophobia, biphobia and transphobia, and its impact upon LGBTQI+ communities during the era of COVID-19. In: Gender, Bodies and Sexualities in the Shadow of Covid-19. Palgrave Macmillan, London. (Submitted)

Dalton, Andrew (2023) Is there a space to fight back? Exclusionary queer and Islamic spaces and resistance from queer Muslims. In: Justice After Stonewall: LGBT Life Between Challenge and Change. Routledge, London. ISBN 9781032260525

Dalton, Andrew (2018) Cutting the Ribbon? Austerity Measures and the Problems Faced by the HIV Third Sector. In: Austerity Policies: Bad Ideas in Practice. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 173-195. ISBN 978-3-319-79120-3

Reports, briefing/ working papers

Dalton, Andrew (2023) Not an Ideal Victim? Trafficking, Homelessness, and Risks Faced by LGBTQI+ Young People. A Global Scoping Report for the UN Special Rapporteur on Contemporary Forms of Slavery. ​. Technical Report. United Nations Special Rapporteur on Contemporary Forms of Slavery, United Nations.

Dalton, Andrew (2020) OUT in Uganda: The Lived Experiences of SOGIESC Ugandans (Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, Expression and Sex Characteristics). Project Report. ReportOUT, Gateshead.

Dalton, Andrew (2017) Silent Scream? The Life Histories of People Living with HIV in the North East of England. Project Report. UNSPECIFIED.

Dalton, Andrew (2016) Cutting the Ribbon? The Current Health of UK based HIV/AIDS Organisations and the Effects of Austerity (2016). Discussion Paper. University of Sunderland, Sunderland.

Dalton, Andrew (2014) A Survey of Public Knowledge and Attitudes toward HIV in the North East of England. Project Report. Body Positive North East, Newcastle upon Tyne.

Conference or Workshop Item

Dalton, Andrew (2023) Have we left behind the rainbow warriors? The Climate Emergency and its impact on global queer people and their communities. In: #SaferToBeMe Symposium, 22 Jun 2023, University of Sunderland | ReportOUT.

Dalton, Andrew (2023) The Pink Line: What is happening to sexual and gender minorities globally? How can we be an ally? In: National Ambulance LGBT+ Network, 15-16 Jun 2023, Manchester Metropolitan University. (Unpublished)

Dalton, Andrew (2023) Working with LGBTQI+ Refugees and People Seeking Asylum. In: National LGBT+ Ambulance Network Conference, 15-16th Jun 2023, Birmingham. (Unpublished)

Dalton, Andrew (2023) The Pink Line: What is happening to sexual and gender minorities globally? In: Wolfenden Lecture 2023, 08 Jun 2023, University of Reading. (Unpublished)

Dalton, Andrew and Riley, Abbie (2023) Creating an LGBTQI+ PhotoVoice Project in Slovenia. In: LGBTQI+ PhotoVoice Training with Legebitra in Slovenia, 03-06 Jun 2023, Legebitra, Slovenia. (Unpublished)

Dalton, Andrew (2023) Reclaiming the Pink Triangle? Examining the nature of homo/bi/transphobia. In: LGBTQI+ History Month Talk, 21st February 2023, Cundall Offices: Birmingham. (Unpublished)

Dalton, Andrew (2022) What are the social forces which constrain queer people, and how might the digital age offer resistance to this? In: Queering and Questioning Video Games Conference, 01 Jun 2022, University of Sunderland. (Unpublished)

Dalton, Andrew and Weatherston, Jodie (2021) A life half lived? What is happening to the human rights of sexual and gender minorities in Uganda? In: WorldPride and Eurogames: Copenhagen, 20 Aug 2021, Malmo, Sweden.

Dalton, Andrew (2021) Global Health, Inequality and Poverty: Barriers and Responses. In: Global Health Conference, 07 May 2021, Newcastle University. (Unpublished)

Dalton, Andrew (2019) No Space is a Safe Space? Queer Muslims in the United Kingdom. In: 50 Years After Stonewall, 10-13 Sep 2019, Edinburgh.

Dalton, Andrew (2019) Islam, LGBTQI+ Identity and Education: What to do? In: OFSTED Annual Conference, 07 June 2019, Manchester.

Dalton, Andrew (2018) HIV and Employment: Positive Changes? In: BSA Work, Employment and Society Annual Conference, 14 Sep 2018, Europa Hotel, Belfast. (Unpublished)

Dalton, Andrew (2018) An Act of Violence? HIV Organisations, Austerity and Biomedical Power. In: Association for the Social Sciences and Humanities in HIV Conference, 20-23 Jul 2018, University of Amsterdam.

Dalton, Andrew (2017) Shifting Sands and Changing Attitudes: LGBT Life in Saudi Arabia. In: LGBTQI+ History Project Main Day, 11th December 2017, Newcastle Civic Centre. (Unpublished)

Dalton, Andrew (2017) Curing Gayness? The Medical World and the Medicalisation of Gay and Bisexual Men. In: LGBTQI+ History Project NE: Taster Talks, 10 Sep 2017, Dance City, Newcastle. (Unpublished)

Dalton, Andrew (2016) Speaking Out in Silence; the Silenced Voices of People living with HIV and AIDS and the Contribution of Biographical Research to Challenge HIV-related Stigma. In: European Sociological Association: RM03 Biographical Methods in European Societies, 23 Sep 2016, University of Latvia, Advanced Social and Political Research Institute, Riga, Latvia. (Unpublished)

Dalton, Andrew (2015) '"I have a story to tell and I need to somehow help others by telling it". Living with HIV/AIDS and the usefulness of Life Histories as an Educational Tool for the Wider Community.'. In: European Sociological Association's 12th Annual Conference: 'Differences, Inequalities and Sociological Imagination'., 25-28 Aug 2015, Prague Congress Centre, Prague, Czech Republic. (Unpublished)

Dalton, Andrew (2015) '"Aren't you too old for that and with your condition?" The 'Double Impact' of Ageism and HIV-related Stigma on Older People Seeking Sexual and Intimate Partners'. In: Sex(y) Seminar Series, 30 May 2015, Northumbria University, UK. (Unpublished)

Dalton, Andrew (2014) Were things better back then? Is the Gay 'Community' now in Decline?'. In: Public Lecture, North of England Mining Institute, 3 Dec 2014, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK. (Unpublished)

Dalton, Andrew (2014) Silent Scream? Issues faced using a Life Histories Approach when Interviewing People who are living with HIV in the North East of England. In: European Sociology Conference: Creative Applicatons of Biographical Research: Theory, Practice and Policy, 11-12 Sep 2014, Durham University. (Unpublished)

Dalton, Andrew (2014) 'HIV and AIDS Awareness'. In: CPD Training, 2014, Northumbria University. (Unpublished)

Dalton, Andrew (2010) Do they even exist? How do male sex workers negotiate their masculinity within their work? In: MA Dissertation Conference, 22 Apr 2010, Newcastle University. (Unpublished)


Smith, Angela and Dalton, Andrew (2023) Gender, Sexuality and the UN's SDGs: A Multidisciplinary Approach. Sustainable Development Goals Series . Springer Link, London. ISBN 978-3-031-31046-1

Dalton, Andrew (2023) Broken Rainbow? Global Queer Lives, Rights and Challenges. Bloomsbury, London. (Unpublished)


Dalton, Andrew (2022) Flag in the Map Project: Showcasing Pride Flag Photographs from Across the Globe. Flag in the Map Launch, 24 Jun 2022, Old Street Gallery, London.

Dalton, Andrew (2013) Modern Weddings. 1 Apr 2012 - 30 Mar 2014, Newcastle Discovery Museum.


Dalton, Andrew (2022) Interview: Welcome to Chechnya with David France (LGBTQI+ Rights in Chechnya). [Film/Video]

Dalton, Andrew (2021) Interview: Why is the Pride Flag so Important? [Film/Video]

Dalton, Andrew (2021) Public Talk: The Men in the Pink Triangle (LGBTQI+ History Month: 2021). [Film/Video]

Dalton, Andrew (2019) LGBTQI+ Muslims: What is the work of Hidayah? [Film/Video]

Dalton, Andrew (2015) HIV - living with the stigma. [Film/Video]

This list was generated on Sat Jul 27 08:40:38 2024 BST.

  • HIV and AIDS: stigma and lived experiences of people living with HIV
  • HIV and ageing
  • LGBTQI+ history and identities
  • Global trans/bi/homophobia and forms of oppression and resistance
  • Global human rights inequalities faced by sexual and gender minorities
  • Global health issues and their social impacts
  • International development, the role of the United Nations SDGs and sexuality
  • The sociology of religion and experiences of LGBTQI Muslims

Twitter: I am a regular user of Twitter. Follow me for updates on all aspects of my research: @DrewDalton1980

Blog: I also run the Social Sciences blog site. Please check it out to read about our undergraduate student's example work, commentaries, and university experiences.

In the media:

I welcome press enquiries around my campaign and research specialisms and I am a regular contributor to print, televised media, podcasts, and radio. I have been featured on Channel 4 News, ITV News, BBC News, Gaydio, Pride Radio, and BBC Radio, as well as some global news outlets.

I have been a regular news contributor to the television shows 'Made with Pride' and 'Pride World TV', delivering global and national LGBTQI+ news features.

I have been featured in, and have written for, Times Higher Education, the Gay Times, Huffington Post, the Independent, and Positive Nation.

Andrew (Drew) Dalton in the news

Last updated 30 May 2024