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UCAS jargon buster

There is a lot of terminology associated with applying to university and it can be confusing. We've created this handy glossary and jargon buster that covers some of the key phrases you'll need to know such as undergraduate, UCAS Tariff, offer and UCAS Track. 

ACCELERATED DEGREE A fast-track option to a graduate in two years

ADMISSIONS The process of applying to a UK university

ASSESSMENT The process of measuring knowledge against the defined learning outcomes for a course or module

ALUMNI A graduate of a university

APPLICANT NUMBER A ten digit number assigned by UCAS. Sometimes also referred to as UCAS ID.

AWARD A degree, diploma, certificate, or other similar formal mark of recognition for successful completion of a course

BACHELORS DEGREE A type of undergraduate degree that usually requires three years of full-time study to complete

BACHELOR OF ARTS (BA) A type of bachelors degree with a focus on the arts

BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING (BEng) A type of bachelors degree with a focus on engineering

BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (BSC) A type of bachelors degree with a focus on the sciences

BURSARIES Financial support for those students underrepresented in higher education and who we identify as being in most financial need. These do not need to be repaid

CAMPUS A building or collection of university buildings in which most university activity and teaching takes place

CARE EXPERIENCED STUDENT Someone who, at any stage in their life, and for any length of time, has been in care, i.e. looked after by the local authority

CITY CAMPUS One of the University of Sunderland campuses in the city of Sunderland

CLEARING If a student did not meet the conditions of their offers, or did not receive any offers, they could still find a place through Clearing

CONDITIONAL OFFER An offer of a place at university, which is dependent on certain conditions eg: achieving certain grades or medical clearance 

COURSE A complete study route with defined aims and learning outcomes, made up from combinations of modules and which leads to a recognised award

CREDITS Each module is worth a certain number of credits. Students must achieve a certain number of credits in each year to be able to progress to the next level of study and ultimately graduate.

ENROLMENT The process of becoming an official student of a university, also known as Registration

EMPLOYABILITY / EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS The skills, experience, and attributes a students has that makes them more attractive to employers

ENROLMENT The process of becoming an official student of a university, also known as REGISTRATION 

ESTRANGED STUDENT Students who are studying without the support of a family network

FACULTY A group of departments in a university that specialises in a particular subject or groups of subjects

FIRM CHOICE An applicant can make one firm choice from their initial (up to) five choices, and this is their preferred university and course

GRADUATE (NOUN) A student who has completed and graduated from an undergraduate course

GRADUATE (VERB) The act of attending a graduation ceremony and receiving an official higher education award

GRADUATION A graduation ceremony where students receive their official higher education awards

INDEPENDENT STUDY Time spent learning alone or in a group with other students, without the presence of a member of teaching staff, including reading, researching, completing assignments and preparing for taught sessions

INSURANCE CHOICE An applicant can make one insurance choice from their initial (up to) five choices of universities and courses; usually has lower entry requirements than the FIRM CHOICE

INTEGRATED FOUNDATION DEGREE A four-year degree route incorporating a special Foundation Year to help students gain the essential study skills and subject knowledge needed for an honours degree

LEAVE OF ABSENCE Time away from university during term-time, which must be approved by the university

LIBRARY CATALOGUE A fully searchable database of all books available in the University of Sunderland, available from any internet connected computer or device

LLB A qualifying law degree recognised by the Law Society of England and Wales and regulated by the Bar Standards Board and Solicitors Regulation Authority

LLM A postgraduate degree in law

MASTER OF ARTS (MA) A type of postgraduate degree with a focus on the arts

MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (MBA) A type of postgraduate degree with a focus on business

MASTER OF ENGINEERING (MEng) A type of postgraduate degree with a focus on engineering

MASTER OF SCIENCE (MSC) A type of postgraduate degree with a focus on the sciences

MODULE A unit of assessed learning with coherent aims and learning outcomes

MYAPPLICATION Our online applicant portal where applicants can manage their application to the University of Sunderland

OFFER An official offer of a place on a course from the University of Sunderland, giving an unconditional or conditional offer of a place on a course

PLACEMENT A period of unpaid work experience with a company or organisation that is related to a course, usually undertaken during the course or between years 2 and 3

POSTGRADUATE Higher Education study for students who have already completed an undergraduate course

POSTGRADUATE CERTIFICATION IN EDUCATION (PGCE) A type of postgraduate qualification that gives Qualified Teacher Status enabling students to teach in state schools in the UK

REGISTRATION The process of becoming an official student of a university. Also known as ENROLMENT. 

SCHOLARSHIPS Money, given to students by the university, which is theirs to keep and does not need to be repaid.

SIR TOM COWIE CAMPUS AT ST PETER'S One of the University of Sunderland campuses in the city of Sunderland, North East England

(UCAS) TARIFF A system used to allocate points to post-16 qualifications, and also used by universities to set entry requirements for their courses 

(UCAS) TRACK An online system that allows applicants to check the status of their application

TUTOR A lecturer who supervises the welfare and studies of students

UCAS The Universities and Colleges Admissions Service, an organisation that administers applications for entry onto full-time higher education courses

UNCONDITIONAL OFFER An offer of a place on a course, given to a student who has satisfied all entry requirements

UNDERGRADUATE A student who is studying for a bachelors degree

UNDERGRADUATE DEGREE A course of study leading to a bachelors degree

UCAS have also created a useful guide explaining some of the key terms associated with the application process.

More information

Please contact our Student Helpline for more information on the application process:

Email: student.helpline@sunderland.ac.uk
Tel: 0191 515 3000