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The Post Graduate Certificate in Education is a qualification offered to all academic staff at the University Of Sunderland, as well as students external to the University.

The web links below list the courses and routes, all routes are part-time. The PGCE/PgCert in Medical Education and year 1 of the master's consists of a core module of 30 credits and a route module of 30 credits. Each route module is unique to the course, consisting of key pedagogy reflecting the title of the award. Year 2 of the master's detail the remainder of the credit structure.

The PGCE/PgCert in Medical Education and year 1 of the master's is taught over 12 months, Thursday, 9 3pm.

Year 2 of the master's is taught on a Tuesday, 9 3pm.

The Post Graduate Certificate in Education, PG Certificate in Medical Education, and master's have been mapped to the UKPSF and are accredited by the Higher Education Academy (subject to approval) as a course that leads to Fellowship of the HEA. On successful completion of the course, you may apply for Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy, providing you with recognition of your practice. The award of Fellowship is dependent on the student providing evidence of achievement against Descriptor 2. Descriptor 2 details how a Fellow demonstrates a broad understanding of effective approaches to teaching and learning support as key contributions to high-quality student learning.

Students undertaking these courses are expected to have a substantial teaching workload which should equate to more than 100 hours of direct student contact per annum. The majority of participants will be academics on a teaching or research contract although the course is open to research assistants and associates who also contribute to teaching in clinical education roles. All internal staff must have their line manager's approval to undertake the course, and complete and send the Staff Qualifications Form to HR.

External applicants apply through direct entry. The apply link can be found on the course page:


More Information

For further details please contact Guy Tucker Programme Leader PGCE at guy.tucker@sunderland.ac.uk / 0191 515 3325.