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A very MBA Christmas

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We know that Christmas can be a difficult time for students and can be isolating as they often live away from home and study hard towards final deadlines and exams. To enjoy the festive period, in December 2022 over 40 of our Master of Business Administration (MBA) students travelled down to York to take in the famous Christmas market. 

Exploring the historic town, our students were able to enjoy the Christmas cheer on offer in one of the UK's most festive cities. Alongside experiencing York's restaurants, shops and attractions, which were all beautifully decorated for the holidays and provided a wonderful winter experience. 

Accompanying them on the trip were the MBA programme leadership team, Sharp Cooper and Yashar Salamzadeh, who organised the itinerary and travel arrangements to ensure everything went smoothly! 


MBA students outside York Minister

Christmas can be a lonely time, especially as students are busy studying for their assessments and can be far from home. Trips like this provide some welcome downtime and are an important way staff and students can come together outside of the classroom. A strong social programme is an important feature of the MBA at the University of Sunderland. 

- Ashley Garlick, Strategy and Operations Team Leader

MBA (Marketing)The MBA is a postgraduate qualification focused on developing your business leadership skills. A key part of the programme is experiential learning and leisure activities such as this one enable our students to feel engaged outside of the classroom. Trips such as this one are open to all our MBA routes, encouraging students to network with peers studying other MBA disciplines.

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Published: 13 January 2023