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Case Study

Jason Ortega

Tampa, Florida, United States

MA Design

MA Design student Jason Ortega chose to move across the pond from the United States to study at Sunderland after learning about the option to develop his own design project and the flexibility of the teaching staff. He has made some strong friendships and is enjoying learning from the lecturers who teach on the course.

Like many people, the Covid-19 pandemic took a big hit on my personal and work life. I found myself out of work from the company I had been part of for 13 years and so decided that going back to school was a great choice. I didn’t want to study for multiple years, and I knew that England offered one-year master’s courses which would not only keep me away for just one year but would also provide me with a change of scenery. This was something I needed in my life.

The University of Sunderland was one of many schools I looked at studying at in England. After speaking to a previous MA Design student, I quickly learned that the teaching staff were very flexible and would let me design a project based on the area of design I wanted to specialise in. Between this, the location of the school and the tuition fees compared to other universities, I knew that Sunderland was the right destination for me.

I would tell prospective students to take advantage of the transportation system in and around the area and explore what is on offer nearby!

My favourite part of my course is the freedom to develop my own design project in the area that I want to pursue after graduation. I’m about halfway through my course and my experience has been wonderful. I’ve made some strong friendships and the lecturers who teach on my course have been truly wonderful to learn from.”

Published 1 April 2022

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