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Existing research degree supervisors

We support established postgraduate research student developers, updating their knowledge of the research degree processes and broadening their knowledge of supervisory pedagogies as they reflect on and continue to develop their strategies for supervising postgraduate research students.

We have your success in mind

All existing research degree supervisors will have established successful approaches to supervision; however, there is an opportunity as part of their career and professional development to keep bringing their knowledge of processes and policies up to date. There is also the opportunity to enhance practices in ways which broaden the range of their supervisory approaches to offer a range of student outcomes and student learning experiences so it is relevant in the dynamic research degree environment: where assessment is focused on a Thesis and the defence of it, but a successful programme develops a broad range of skills in a vibrant research community.

In feedback, staff generally praised the delivery format and content of this course. Feedback included: “Yes, it was an excellent overview of process and procedure that didn't lose sight of the very pragmatic problems that students present with during supervision.”. Feedback on the online delivery method and content included: ”Is comprehensive and can be play back if needed and there are good reference sites to refer to. Also, I can stop in between for other disturbances at works and continue later on.”; and “This approach worked well for me. I was able to take a couple of hours to listen to what the presenters had to say when it suited me. Some of this presentation was listened to whilst eating lunch which was very pleasant.”

Our programme is designed to:

  • Bring the knowledge of existing supervisors up to date in relation to the context of research within the University of Sunderland, the administrative processes, and supervisory pedagogies; so we can ensure that their students’ experiences continues to be positive and enhances our collective research capability and reputation.
  • Continue to explore decision making to continue to build a bank of well-reasoned supervisory approaches for meeting their and their students’ learning aspirations, which can be used in a range of situations with a range of students.

Our teaching approaches this year

  • Offer an online two hour workshop
  • Complement this course with a flexible learning and researcher-centred approach with blended learning opportunities which recognises that every supervisor is responsible for their own career and professional development using materials on the Vitae website.

The development programme

A large array of online learning materials can be accessed using Sunderland’s Vitae subscription; which are used in personal development planning / continuing professional development for supervisors to complement our Sunderland course. These will be curated in Canvas.

The development programme provides staff with the opportunity to consider how best to use Policies, procedures and assessments in supervisory pedagogies.

More information

Email: celt@sunderland.ac.uk