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Credit transfer

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Ensure your Study Abroad experience counts! Students can create an exciting semester of study that satisfies the academic requirements of the home institution. Our knowledge of international education systems ensures appropriate and smooth credit transfer from your module of study at Sunderland to your home degree.

You will take a minimum of 60 credits per semester.

60 credits from the University of Sunderland are approximately equivalent to:

Europe 30 ECTS
USA * 12-18 credits
Hong Kong 30 HK credits
Canada 15 credits
Australia  12 credits
Malaysia 16-20 credits
Singapore 5-8 classes per semester
South Korea 12-19 credits
Taiwan 12-18 credits

* For students from the USA, a full schedule of 60 credits in one semester will be equivalent to 12-18 US credits, depending on the modules chosen and the academic level. The University’s Study Abroad team will work with you to ensure that the modules you choose meet the requirements of your home university to ensure your smooth educational progression.

If you are from a country not listed above or are unsure about credit transfer, please contact our Study Abroad team at study.abroad@sunderland.ac.uk