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Case Study

Daniel Mahmoodshahi

Sunderland, UK

MSc Inequality and Society

BSc (Hons) Health, Wellbeing and Care in Society

Daniel Mahmoodshahi chose to stay in his hometown of Sunderland to study after seeing the University develop and become a major part of the city. He is studying for the MSc Inequality and Society after graduating from the BSc (Hons) Health, Wellbeing and Care in Society course, and is enjoying the opportunity to focus on his individual interests. He is currently volunteering for ReportOut, a global Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity human rights organisation.

I chose to study at Sunderland as I’ve grown up here and watched the University develop and become a major part of the city. The facilities are excellent and the locations of both campuses are beautiful. I chose to study BSc (Hons) Health, Wellbeing and Care in Society and then continued onto the MSc Inequality and Society course as I was passionate about the topic.

My favourite part of the course is that it's unique and every student is able to focus on their individual interests, as some of the modules are co-constructed which gives us the opportunity to be in charge of our learning. I would tell prospective students who are looking to study at the University of Sunderland that they won’t regret doing it! You won’t get a more passionate education anywhere else.

My degrees have helped develop my career prospects and helped me advance into different roles in education and childcare. Plus, a volunteering role for a charity called ReportOut, a global Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity human rights organisation, is allowing me to put all the knowledge I have gained during both of my degrees into practice.

The University has helped shape me as a person and has given me a platform of knowledge I never thought I would gain. I have gone from being someone who was told in school that he would never be good enough for university, to becoming an academic and developing my learning. I have met some amazing people and made friends for life. If I had to give advice to anyone debating whether to study here or not, I would say “The only man who never makes mistakes is the man who never does anything”, so just do it!”

Published 15 January 2021

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