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Case Study

Zeta Bikova

Newcastle upon Tyne, UK

BSc (Hons) Health, Wellbeing and Care in Society

Before beginning the BSc (Hons) Health, Wellbeing and Care in Society course, Zeta Bikova lacked confidence when it came to academia, but now she is confident in herself and able to speak in public without feeling anxious. Most of the job opportunities that Zeta was interested in required a degree, so she applied to Sunderland not only to make her future better, but also her child's.

I chose to study at the University of Sunderland because of the high quality teaching and also the scholarships that were available. I live in Newcastle and I wanted to study somewhere close to my hometown but also gain the experience of exploring another city.

Sunderland was the perfect option for me because of its excellent reputation and the fact that it was well-liked by students. I decided to go to university because I'm a strong believer that education opens many doors of opportunity.

I learned a lot about myself whilst I was studying at the University. For example, I learned that being organised and prepared for each lecture is very important. I can also say that since finishing university, I am more reliable, patient, hardworking and demanding when it comes to my own tasks and results. I feel my initiative has truly grown.

Prior to attending university, I was completing my A Levels and working in retail. I was also looking after my child who was five months old at the time. I wanted to give my child the best start in life and I knew that in order to do so, I had to continue my education. I knew I was going to study beyond high school since I was a little girl. Ever since I can remember, I have always wanted to study a course that allowed me to pursue a career which helped vulnerable people.

The Health, Wellbeing and Care in Society degree has taught me many valuable and transferable skills in the sector. In my opinion, the best aspect of the course was the placement opportunity in the second and third years. By being able to complete a placement in a health and social care setting, I was able to learn skills specific to the subject and industry, as well as gain employability skills.

I would recommend the University because it has great resources such as libraries that are open 24/7. Moreover, the University also provides regular one-to-one sessions, which allowed me to achieve the best possible mark for each assignment. I would also recommend it because of the professional, kind and caring staff who are always willing to help regardless of the issue. Sunderland has given me the best opportunity for a better future.“

Published 12 February 2019

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