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Case Study

Victoria Murphy

Cambridgeshire, UK

BSc (Hons) Health, Wellbeing and Care in Society

Since enrolling onto the BSc (Hons) Health, Wellbeing and Care in Society course, Victoria Murphy has been pushed to question everything she knows and change her way of thinking. She is now more aware of the world around her and the impact her actions can have within this world. She hopes to go on to work in HR when she graduates and make a difference in the workplace.

I preferred the two-campus structure and the modern aesthetic of the University of Sunderland. I found it was less intimidating and provided a forward-thinking approach to studying. It was also one of the few universities which offered the course structure with more emphasis on essays, rather than being completely exam based.

Before university, I was undertaking my A Levels back in my hometown. I wanted to attend university in order to further my education and increase my employment opportunities in the working world. At the time, I wasn't exactly sure what career I wanted, but I knew that by having a degree it would supply more employment possibilities and provide me with more choices in the future.

There is so much variety in what students are taught, as optional modules include a range across different, but relevant, courses such as Social Work and Community and Youth Work. The course lecturers are very clear and coherent, and are happy to offer help or guidance on any topics which students feel they need further understanding of.

The assessments are also set up to accommodate everyone's academic strengths, by providing a combination of essays, exams and presentation-based assessments. I also think that the smaller seminar groups are ideal for discussions and providing students with the opportunity to ask questions or explore topics further. This is something which isn’t always possible in lectures.

I have had the best experience at Sunderland, both academically and socially. I have been given more opportunities to develop my knowledge and evolve my personality than I believe any other university would have been able to provide. This is not only due to what I learnt on the course, but also the lecturers who engaged with me on multiple subjects.

Get stuck in with the societies and sports clubs because they offer the chance to meet people outside your course and provide unforgettable social experiences. Also, get to know your lecturers! They are so helpful and full of knowledge that will challenge and push you to question how you already think. These conversations and debates will help you to decide on your dissertation topic and what you might want to do after university.

I hope to work in HR at a corporation which shares my values and beliefs of equality and diversity within the workplace, with the hope to one day be head of my HR department.

Before Sunderland, my school teachers didn't think I had the skills to gain an undergraduate degree or that I would be able to complete it above a pass level. Since attending university, I have been pushed to question everything I know and change my way of thinking. Due to this, I am more aware of the world around me and the impact my actions can have within this world.

Without the encouragement of my lecturers and the experience I have had during my course, and my involvement playing women’s rugby, I would not be as confident or socially aware as I am today. Going to the University of Sunderland is one of the best choices I have ever made."

Published 14 June 2019

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