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Dom McEvoy

Newcastle upon Tyne, UK

BSc (Hons) Criminology with Integrated Foundation Year

Having never sat his GCSEs when he was at secondary school, Dom McEvoy never believed that furthering his education would be within his reach. However, after finding out about the Integrated Foundation Year Sunderland offers, he was able to enrol on the BSc (Hons) Criminology course and work towards his career goal of supporting young offenders.

Due to personal circumstances, I was unable to complete my secondary education and didn’t sit my GCSEs. I never believed I had the capability to finish or further my education and instead, I worked in manual labour and retail jobs. However, after the global pandemic, I felt inspired to gain my qualifications in maths and English, so I enrolled on an adult learning service and really enjoyed the experience. This then motivated me to pursue Higher Education and I subsequently enrolled onto the BSc (Hons) Criminology with Integrated Foundation Year at Sunderland.

I had some acquaintances who were already studying at Sunderland, and they were kind enough to show me around and take me to open days. I was uncertain if I met the eligibility requirements for the Foundation Year, so I contacted the Programme Leader, who assisted me with getting enrolled on the course.

My favourite part of studying criminology is acquiring knowledge and exploring the theory around it. My lecturers are all incredibly supportive and make me feel comfortable asking questions and taking part in the sessions. My ultimate goal is to have a career where I can aid young people who’ve committed offences and advocating for the education of young individuals on the harms of knife crime.

I would highly recommend that prospective students visit the campus, take a tour, and speak with both current students and tutors. Everyone is really friendly and welcoming, so don’t hesitate to pursue your career ambitions. As a mature student with no educational background, I was immediately put at ease and felt supported.

To summarise, my experience studying at the University of Sunderland for the past three years has been life changing. Prior to attending, I never thought education was for me, and I didn’t believe I would succeed or fit in. However, I’ve managed to prove myself wrong and I’m currently thriving in my educational pursuits.”

Published 8 March 2024

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