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Case Study

Karen McKinney

Sunderland, UK

BSc (Hons) Health, Wellbeing and Care in Society

Karen McKinney was a civil servant for 25 years but began to be disillusioned with the job in the last few years and felt like she needed a change. Coming to the University of Sunderland opened up new career paths for Karen who walked straight into a job in the health and social care sector after graduating.

I chose the University of Sunderland because it's close to home and being a mother with young children, it was convenient. I was a civil servant for 25 years but began to be disillusioned with the job in the last few years. I needed a change, but I wasn’t trained for anything else, so going to university opened up a new career path.

I loved the sociology side of the course in particular and studying the history of many of society’s stereotypes, attitudes, and the cycle of deprivation and its consequences. Sunderland is a wonderful university. The staff are approachable and friendly, and really want their students to thrive. For a supportive student experience, Sunderland is the place to come. 

I walked straight into a job in the health and social care sector after graduating and I love it. I earn slightly more than I did before, but the money wasn't the driving force for my decision to study. It was to find job satisfaction, and I have that now in my current job.

These three years have been the most challenging, rewarding, and enjoyable three years where I have made friends for life and discovered newfound confidence."

Published 8 August 2019

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