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Case Study

Hannah Hamilton

Sunderland, UK

PGCE Further Education and Skills (FES)

BA (Hons) Film Studies

Hannah Hamilton had always wanted to teach, and after completing her undergraduate degree in Film Studies at Sunderland, decided to enrol onto the PGCE Further Education and Skills course. She is now teaching full-time and hopes to teach Film or English at a Further Education college or a university in the future.

I always knew I wanted to teach and I chose Sunderland as it's my local university, and I’d heard nothing but high praise about its teaching courses. I had also studied my undergraduate degree here and really enjoyed it, so was happy to stay.

The best part of the PGCE Further Education and Skills course for me was meeting new people and developing what I would call a ‘teaching family’. It was great being on that journey with my fellow classmates. There are so many opportunities to take advantage of, which is another great aspect. I would definitely recommend the University and the PGCE FES to other students.

I'm now teaching full-time, teaching subjects I never thought I would, and developing my teaching skills every day. My future career aim would be to teach film or English (my favourite subjects) for adults at a Further Education college or university. I would even love to go back and teach students how to teach, as I really enjoyed the PGCE FES course.

What would I advise prospective students? Never miss an opportunity presented to you, believe in yourself, and don’t leave essays till the last minute!

I found that networking is really important, meeting new people that open you up to new ideas you never would have thought of. I found myself trying new things I wouldn’t have done previously and it was great to see myself developing as a person. Studying at Sunderland really shaped the person I am today.”

Published 29 May 2020

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