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Amaan Haq

BSc (Hons) Sociology

After attending one of our open days, Amaan decided to continue his studies of sociology at the University of Sunderland. In the future, Amaan hopes to pursue a master's degree, then a PhD.

After studying for my A Levels, which included Sociology, I decided I wanted to study it further at university. My plan was always to stay local to the North East when it came to studying at university, and after attending an Open Day at Sunderland – meeting the academic staff and wandering through the campuses – I got a really good feel of the place and decided to study here.

The course includes some core modules that you have to take over the two semesters, but you're also allowed to pick some other optional modules. These can include modules within Criminology and Health, Wellbeing and Care in Society, as well as other sociological modules specifically looking at race, gender, and youth to name a few, so you have some freedom to pick what interests you.

I also enjoyed my placement during second year where I carried out and conducted a mini sociological research project at an Oxfam charity shop. Studying the course has made me realise that sociology is a very broad topic and is concerned with a variety of issues, such as homelessness, mental health and racism. You can apply sociology to anything, so I think it helps, especially if you are passionate about a particular social issue.

I benefit from regular study support sessions set up by the University's Disability Support team which help with various learning disabilities and I'm assigned a study skills supervisor who helps me when writing up my assignments. They also assisted me with my DSAs in order to get equipment such as a Dictaphone and specialist software.

The University of Sunderland embodies the phrase 'life-changing' which I think is 100% the experience you will get. There are some very dedicated individuals who are there for you to help you get the maximum experience out of university. There are lots of opportunities and events on offer too, plus excellent resources and the Employability and Enterprise Hub, which are available to use even after you graduate. There are various social media accounts run by staff and societies, which help keep you informed about the new and exciting opportunities happening in and around the university.

My aim is to complete a master's degree and maybe pursue a PhD in the near future."

Please note, this course is not currently recruiting.

Published 10 August 2018

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