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Case Study

Syeda Fahin

Sunderland, UK

BSc (Hons) Sociology

After hearing about many positive aspects of the University of Sunderland from her sister and cousins, Syeda Fahin decided to listen to them and study for a BSc (Hons) Sociology degree. Syeda always wanted to be a teacher of the deaf but went off that track. After volunteering in second year, she once again decided to pursue her dream and become a role model for deaf children.

I chose to study at Sunderland because it has an amazing reputation, especially for its staff. My older sister and cousins attended the University and told me so many positive things about it, in particular, the library that has so many quiet spaces that you can use to study.

I was undertaking a gap year before I applied for my Sociology degree, as I didn’t know what I wanted to do after I finished my A Levels at sixth form. During my gap year, I became more appreciative of my education and realised that I would like to attend university to gain more knowledge and experience.

When I started my degree, I had no idea what I wanted to do. Although I had wanted to become a teacher of the deaf since childhood, due to unforeseen circumstances, I went off that track. In second year, I had to find a placement, so I decided to go back to my high school to volunteer at the Resource Base for the Deaf. This made me realise that I still wanted to become a teacher of the deaf and become a role model that deaf children may be lacking. I have now decided to apply for a PGCE to become a qualified teacher, then hopefully apply for Deaf Education (MA) in order to achieve my dream.

The staff and fellow students definitely make you feel involved and motivated to do well in every assignment, which I am grateful for. The atmosphere and surroundings are simply amazing and being a part of the University of Sunderland will make you feel like you belong there, like it's your home.

It has been simply the best three years of my life, by miles. I will miss the staff, people from my course and friends so much when I graduate because the experience I've had with them really is irreplaceable."

Please note, this course is not currently recruiting.

Published 24 July 2019

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