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Marcus Melton

BA (Hons) Business and Marketing Management

Marcus Melton attributes his many successes to studying his business degree at the University of Sunderland. After graduating with a first class degree, Marcus has secured a permanent graduate scheme job.

Studying Business & Applied Marketing Management at the University of Sunderland opened up so many doors for me to succeed within both the classroom and the job market. The support I received throughout the course was brilliant; including the opportunity I received to take on a business management placement in the USA which allowed me to develop both personally and professionally. I found that with hard work, the network and support were there to help me achieve my goal, a first-class degree, including 90% in my dissertation. Thanks to the blend of these successes I have now secured both a permanent graduate scheme job and a summer internship, both of which I could not have achieved without my time spent at the University of Sunderland”

Published 8 June 2018

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